IRS Tax Audits
We help you understand, solve, and respond to IRS issues. We can practice and represent you before the IRS, Office Appeals.
- Represent our client’s businesses and individuals – before the IRS on issues of audits, appeals, or tax collection.
- Work directly with the IRS agent on your behalf
- Penalty abatement/minimizing tax impacts
- Release tax liens, remove levies, and end wage garnishment
- Prepare an Offer in Compromise to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed
- Prepare an Installment Agreement
Red Flags: Here is a list of items that can draw attention to your returns.
- Large non-cash charitable contribution deductions
- Large deductions for business travel and meals expenses
- Big deductions for automobile expenses
- Business losses several years in a row
- Deductions for contractors (vs employees) for business returns
- No or low S Corp shareholder salaries compared to distributions
- A major change in expenses/income compared to previous tax returns